I just sent this out to Wonder Mill newsletter subscribers. We need help getting our films "out there"!
Hi, everyone-
I hope you're all doing well. Things have been a bit quiet at Wonder Mill lately, as we've been gearing up to take our next steps. Lee is off in his cave, writing our third feature film, and we've both been working on what will be the "final push" for A Genesis Found and The Nocturnal Third.
Later this week, we're going to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise $6,000 to submit the films to Netflix, Hulu, and iTunes. This is a big deal for us, and for the films themselves. If you have any friends or family that have been curious how they can see either film more easily, I think this campaign will be something to tell them about. The key is that if we don't raise the FULL amount, we get none of it; it's essentially a pledge drive.
So, while many of you have already given so much to the projects, we'd love it if you could pass along the word to anyone out there that might be able to help us out. Also, we'll be posting updates on the Kickstarter page regularly, and would love to feature some of your thoughts or anecdotes about your experiences with either film, so please send those along!
I'll be sending a follow-up e-mail with a link and more information soon!
Thank you all for your help, and for your support. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Ben Stark
Producer, A Genesis Found
Writer/Director, The Nocturnal Third