Monday, May 7, 2012

Popcorn Potion

All of the above images are going to be moving in a theater this summer. That's crazy. I've always felt a strange pressure to reconcile the reality of being a suffering, no-budget filmmaker with a fandom of big, splashy summer superhero movies. In a strange way, my affection for popcorn movies fuels my desire to tell small, character-driven stories through digital filmmaking. I can't draw a straight line between the two, but I suppose it has something to do with a kind of trickle-down effect. Like them or not, big spectacles are the apex of cinema, and I somehow garner more inspiration to create real and honest stories from them than I do small, intimate movies (like the kind I make). It's all very strange, and I suppose I shouldn't analyze it too deeply.

Regardless, the proof is in the pudding. I've been flooding my consciousness with Spider-Man cartoons, Avengers movie scores, and Batman comics for the last three months, and yet I've finally emerged from the creativity-deprived gulch I spent most of the year in. I'm trying hard not to bug Lee about the feature script he's writing for me to direct, and I've had some awesome conversations with cinematographer Stephen Lucas about collaborating on a myriad of projects.

Right now, I've got another little baby to take care of, but soon and very soon, most likely amidst sporadic visits to the multiplex, I'll be back on board a story that I really feel is worth telling. That's an exciting feeling.


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