Saturday, October 8, 2011

DOODLES - 10/08/11

I'm in a hotel room in Louisville, KY right now, killing some time before a wedding. My wife and everyone but me is in the ceremony, so I get to hang back and stay out of the way.

I've got the harrowing Texas/Oklahoma game on in the background, wherein the Sooners (Sooners, right?) are crushing by 38 points. I'm also writing a pitch for the screening strategy of THE NOCTURNAL THIRD.

I'll probably stop in a sec to keep reading Dave Ramsey's new book EntreLeadership. It might seem strange reading for a humble part-time filmmaker that isn't in love with business, and the writing is not entirely proficient, but the values are amazing. Some new lessons, many valuable reminders.

Some movies done got seen:

MONEYBALL - Caught this with an old high school buddy a week or so ago. Quite good, which should mean a lot from the guy that knows nothing about baseball and didn't make it through Michael Lewis' book in college. Pitt is very watchable, and Jonah Hill really impresses. The film is simply effective for the most part, but there is an absolutely transcendent scene late in the film where Pitt's character quietly sees a connection between himself and a player afraid of second base. I'll say no more.

THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS - My wife wanted me to watch this movie, a goofy favorite from her childhood. I'm not one for remakes in general, but an evocative title like this deserves a much better movie. This works as a goody comedy at times, and does feature some impressive chase sequences, but overall, director Wes Craven goes completely nuts with moralizing and kitsch. A straight-forward, lean, gothic thriller borrowing the basic concept might be amazing.


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