Monday, October 31, 2011

Wonder Mill Films: Feature 3 Announcement

Here's an excerpt from the latest Wonder Mill newsletter, in which I announce our third feature film.

"Lee and I have begun very early work on our next project, which will be Wonder Mill's third feature film. This new effort will be a complete departure for both of us, as the current working arrangement calls for Lee to function as sole scriptwriter and for me to function as director. We're attempting this new approach to increase our respective specializations (although neither of us are leaving behind screenwriting or directing in general), and to try collaborating on an entirely creative level.

Now, this project will not take any concrete form for quite some time, so I can't give any idea of scheduling or timeline, but we are in the outlining stage now. This film should turn out to be quite a fun, eerie, and suspenseful sci-fi thriller if everything comes together, but we are approaching it as a true experiment at this point, with no hard commitments.

We've also discussed producing the movie in a more communal, 'open source' fashion than A Genesis Found and The Nocturnal Third. We'll have details on that as the project develops, but we hope to have as many of you local filmmakers and performers involved as possible!

Of course, the development of Feature 3 will be taking a back seat to the further distribution of our newest film, The Nocturnal Third. We're putting the finishing touches on a plan that will allow N3rd, along with A Genesis Found, to reach even more audiences in our region."


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