Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Animation Domination 2011

Tomorrow, N3rd lead and animator Kevin Maggard will be staying with my wife and I for a few days to wrap up the remainder of the hand-drawn animation needed for the dream sequences in the film.

While the sequence in question is no Rabbit of Seville, it has been quite a bear on the production, as the craft of animation (and directing an animator) is a completely new art form for us. So far, the most fun has been researching (hundreds of hours of watching moving, full-color "druwrings") and the few, fleeting moments of watching compiled frames.

If you want a tiny taste of what the end result will look like, revisit the film's second full trailer, released back in December. Here it is on Vimeo and on Youtube.

I'm trying to resolve to update the blog more often. Stay tuned for more, and feel free to swat me with a buzz saw if I start to slack.

-Ben (writer/director)

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